Best Electric Toothbrush Reviews

Oral-B Professional Deep Sweep Triaction 1000 Electric Toothbrush

Budget Electric Toothbrush Reviews #1: Against the Oral-B Professional Deep Sweep Triaction 1000 Electric Toothbrush, plaque producing oral bacteria and gingivitis germs don’t stand a chance. Designed to deliver complete mouth care, it gives you fresher breath and whiter teeth.

One of the best electric toothbrushes, this has a Daily Clean round brushhead with indicator bristles that let you know when it’s time to replace worn out heads. Each tooth is surrounded and cleaned with the 40,000 pulsations per minute along with 8.8k sideways oscillations. The stream of fluid that sluices deep within the gaps in your teeth ensures that plaque is slowly and steadily washed away. Teeth stains caused by too much smoking, drinking coffee or tea, or other reasons, are steadily washed away, leaving your teeth white and sparkling.

The Oral-B Professional Deep Sweep Triaction 1000 Electric Toothbrush gives you clean, white teeth along with healthy gums and a sweet breath. It is easy to use, convenient and comfortable, with handy 2-minute reminders to ensure you brush for long enough. The pressure sensor stops pulsing whenever you brush too hard, so that you won’t accidentally harm yourself or your teeth through over-enthusiastic cleaning. Indicators announce when it’s time to recharge your battery. A waterproof ergonomic handle makes brushing teeth fun and easy.

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